We could answer this question in several ways, but we think “can they take my books?” is the load measure most people want to know.
We have put the bookcase shelves which have the additional “bookend” wire supports through some extreme tests — take a look at these photos, but please DO NOT TEST OR USE the shelves like this yourself — we just wanted to test beyond the bookcase shelves’ reasonable limits.
2005: Pre-launch testing beyond reasonable limits (combined weight = 82 kilos)
2019: Testing beyond reasonable limits (combined weight = 176 kilos)
All Shelfbar® designs have been tested on a range of solid wall and plasterboard surfaces and they can easily support as many books as can reasonably be fitted on them. With no bend, no wobble and no sag. Here is a sequence of images to demonstrate:

The top shelf looks stacked beyond usual reasonable limits (overall book weight: 31 kilos). However even without bookend wire support, it can still be fully loaded with smaller books for long term storage – it just won’t be as super strong as the lower shelves.
Top Shelf: 18 bottles : 26 kilos
Bottom Shelf: 36 bottles : 52 kilos
Overall: 54 bottles : 78 kilos
Thanks to http://www.santewineimports.com